

第2頁 / 共49頁


梵語 sarvair arhadbhiḥ kṣīṇāsravair niḥkleśair vaśībhūtaiḥ [1-2-1] suvimuktacittaiḥ suvimuktaprajñair ājāneyair mahānāgaiḥ [1-2-2] kṛtakṛtyaiḥ kṛtakaraṇīyair apahṛtabhārair anuprāptasvakārthaiḥ [1-2-3] parikṣīṇabhavasaṃyojanaiḥ samyagājñāsuvimuktacittaiḥ sarvacetovaśiparamapāramiprāptair [1-2-4]
支謙譯 -
鳩摩羅什譯 -
玄奘譯 -
英譯 All these monks were holy men, free from impurities without passions come to great strength their minds delivered and their wisdom equally delivered; of noble birth and resembling great elephants; they had fulfilled their duty done what they had to do laid down their burden achieved their aim completely destroyed the shackles of existence; their minds were delivered by perfect knowledge; they had obtained the supreme perfection of being complete masters of their thoughts.
現代漢譯 全部是阿羅漢,諸漏已盡、無煩惱、得自在,心、智慧解脫無礙,善良和順,猶如大龍。他們應作已作,應辦已辦,放下了負擔,達到了自己的目標,破除了再生的煩惱,藉由正智得心解脫,已得一切心自在這一最上波羅密多。

第2頁 / 共49頁