

第42頁 / 共279頁


梵語 tatra bhagavān anekaśatasahasrayā parṣadā parivṛtaḥ puraskṛto [1-12-1] dharman deśayati sma [1-12-2] sumerur iva parvatarājaḥ sāgaramadhyād abhyudgataḥ [1-12-3] sarvaparṣadam abhibhūya bhāsate tapati virocate [1-12-4] śrīgarbhe siṃhāsane niṣaṇṇaḥ [1-12-5]
支謙譯 彼時佛與若幹百千之眾眷屬圍遶而為說經,其從須彌方外來者四面雲集,一切眾會皆坐自然師子之座。
鳩摩羅什譯 彼時佛與無量百千之眾恭敬圍繞而為說法,譬如須彌山王顯于大海,安處眾寶師子之座,蔽於一切諸來大眾。
玄奘譯 爾時世尊無量百千諸來大眾恭敬圍繞而為說法,譬如大寶妙高山王處于大海,巍然迥出踞大師子勝藏之座,顯耀威光蔽諸大眾。
英譯 Then the Blessed One, seated on a majestic throne, surrounded and revered by several hundreds of thousands of those present, expounded the Law. Dominating all the assemblies, like Sumeru the king of the mountains rising from the oceans, the Blessed One was shining, gleaming and resplendent, seated as he was on his majestic throne.
現代漢譯 此時,世尊被數十萬眾圍繞、禮敬。他〔為他們〕講說佛法。(世尊)就像諸山之王須彌山一樣,從大海中升起。(他)超出一切大眾,釋放出光芒和熱量,坐在吉祥的獅子座上。

第42頁 / 共279頁