

第75頁 / 共279頁


梵語 tatra sā sarvā parṣad āścaryaprāptā [1-15-1] bhagavato ’ntikād idam evaṃrūpaṃ mahāprātihāryaṃ dṛṣṭvā [1-15-2] tuṣṭodagrāttamanāḥ pramuditā prītisaumanasyajātā [1-15-3] tathāgataṃ namasyantī sthitānimiṣaṃ prekṣamāṇā [1-15-4] || atha khalu ratnākaro licchavikumāro bhagavato ’ntikād [1-15-5] idam evaṃrūpaṃ mahāprātihāryaṃ dṛṣṭvaikāṃsam uttarāsaṅgaṃ kṛtvā [1-15-6] dakṣiṇaṃ jānumaṇḍalaṃ pṛthivyāṃ pratiṣṭhāpya [1-15-7] yena bhagavāṃs tenāñjaliṃ praṇamya bhagavantaṃ gāthābhir abhyaṣṭāvit [1-15-8]
支謙譯 一切魔眾得未曾有,禮佛而立,國界若幹莫不目見。童子寶事即於佛前以偈讚曰:
鳩摩羅什譯 爾時一切大眾睹佛神力,歎未曾有,合掌禮佛,瞻仰尊顏,目不暫捨。於是長者子寶積即於佛前以偈頌曰:
玄奘譯 時諸大眾睹佛神力,歡喜踴躍,歎未曾有,合掌禮佛,瞻仰尊顏,目不暫捨,默然而住。爾時寶性即於佛前右膝著地,合掌恭敬,以妙伽他而讚佛曰:
英譯 Then the whole assembly, having seen this great wonder accomplished by the Blessed One, was astonished; satisfied, delighted, transported, joyful, filled with happiness and pleasure, all paid homage to the Tathāgata, and stood to one side, watching him fixedly.The the young Licchavi Ratnākara, having seen the great wonder accomplished by the Blessed One, Placed his right knee on the ground, raised his joined hands to the Blessed One and, having payed homage to him, praised him with the following stanzas:
現代漢譯 在此,一切大眾在一旁看到了佛的神蹟後,無比震驚。(他們)歡喜、興奮、滿心喜悅,禮敬如來,並站在一邊,不眨眼地注視(如來)。然後,離車族的童子寶積在世尊身邊,目睹了如此的神跡。他露出左肩,右膝跪地,雙手合十向世尊鞠躬行禮,用偈頌讚美世尊。

第75頁 / 共279頁