

第61頁 / 共279頁


梵語 samanantaraniḥsṛṣṭāni ca tāni ratnacchatrāṇy [1-14-1] atha tāvad eva buddhānubhāvenaikaṃ mahāratnacchatraṃ saṃsthitaṃ [1-14-2] | tena ca mahāratnacchatreṇāyaṃ trisāhasramahāsāhasro lokadhātuḥ sarvaḥ saṃcchāditaḥ saṃdṛśyate sma [1-14-3] yathāsmiṃs trisāhasramahāsāhasre lokadhātāv [1-14-4] āyāmavistāraḥ sa tasmin mahāratnacchatre saṃdṛśyate sma [1-14-5] | ye ceha trisāhasramahāsāhasre lokadhātau [1-14-6] sumeravo mahāparvatarājā himavanmucilindamahāmucilindagandhamādanaratna- parvatā [1-14-7] vā cakravāḍamahācakravāḍā [1-14-8] te pi sarve tasminn evaikamahāratnacchatre saṃdṛśyante sma [1-14-9] || ye pīha trisāhasramahāsāhasre lokadhātau [1-14-10] mahāsamudrā vā sarastaḍāgāni vā nadīkunadyaḥ śravantyo vā pravahanti [1-14-11] tā api sarvās tasminn evaikamahāratnacchatre saṃdṛśyante sma [1-14-12] yāny apīha trisāhasramahāsāhasre lokadhātau [1-14-13] sūryācandramasāṃ vimānāni tārārūpāṇi vā [1-14-14] devabhavanāni vā | nāgabhavanāni vā | yakṣabhavanāni vā | gandharvāsuragaruḍakinnara- mahoragabhavanāni vā [1-14-15] | cāturmahārājabhavanāni vā grāmanagaranigamarāṣṭrarājadhānyo vā [1-14-16] tāny api sarvāṇi tasminn evaikamahāratnacchatre saṃdṛśyante sma [1-14-17] | yāpi ca daśadiśi loke [1-14-18] buddhānām bhagavatāṃ dharmadeśanā pravartate [1-14-19] | sāpi tasmād evaikamahāratnacchatrān niśarantī śrūyate sma [1-14-20] ||
支謙譯 佛之威神令一寶蓋覆此三千大千佛國。於是世界諸來大眾皆見寶蓋覆此三千世界,諸須彌、目鄰、大目鄰山、雪山、寶山、黑山、鐵圍山、大鐵圍山悉現於寶蓋中,此三千世界,大海、江河、川流、泉源及上日、月、星辰、天宮、龍宮、諸尊神宮悉現於寶蓋中,十方諸佛佛國嚴淨,及十方佛在所說法皆現於寶蓋中,悉遙見聞。
鳩摩羅什譯 佛之威神令諸寶蓋合成一蓋,遍覆三千大千世界。而此世界廣長之相悉於中現,又此三千大千世界、諸須彌山、雪山、目真鄰陀山、摩訶目真鄰陀山、香山、寶山、金山、黑山、鐵圍山、大鐵圍山、大海、江河、川流、泉源及日、月、星辰、天宮、龍宮、諸尊神宮並諸國邑、王都、聚落,又十方諸佛,諸佛說法亦現於寶蓋中。
玄奘譯 佛之威神令諸寶蓋合成一蓋,遍覆三千大千世界。而此世界廣長之相悉於中現,又此三千大千世界,所有大寶妙高山王、一切雪山、目真鄰陀山、摩訶目真鄰陀山、香山、寶山、金山、黑山、輪圍山、大輪圍山、大海、江河、陂泉、池沼及百拘胝四大洲渚,日、月、星辰、天宮、龍宮、諸尊神宮如是皆現此寶蓋中,又十方界諸佛如來所說正法皆如響應,於此蓋內無不見聞。
英譯 As soon as these precious parasols had been set down suddenly by the power of the Buddha, they joined together into one single precious parasol and that one single precious parasol covered all that trichiliomegachiliocosm. The surface of the trichiliomegachiliocosm appeared on the inside itself of that great precious parasol. Thus there could be seen on the inside of that great precious parasol all that the trichiliomegachiliocosm contained: Sumeru the king of mountains, Himadri, Mucilinda, Maḥamucilinda, Gandhamādana, Ratnaparvata, Kālaparvata, Cakravāḍa and Mahācakravāḍa; the great oceans, tsater-courses, lakes, ponds, rivers, streams and springs; then, in infinite quantities, the suns, moons and stars, the dwellings of the devas, nāgas, yakṣas, gandharvas, asuras, garuḍas, kiṃnaras, mahoragas, as well as the dwellings of the caturmahārājas; finally, the villages, towns, boroughs, provinces, kingdoms, capitals and all the surrounding territories. And the instruction in the Law expounded in the world of ten regions by the Blessed Lord Buddhas could be heard in its entirety, as if their voices came from that one single great precious parasol.
現代漢譯 那些寶蓋一被獻上,就被佛的神力合成一個大寶蓋。三千大千世界都被這一大寶蓋覆蓋,一切〔於中〕顯現。因此,在此三千大千世界中的長和寬,在大寶蓋中都可以被看到。於此三千大千世界中的大山之王須彌山、雪山、目真鄰陀山、大目真鄰陀山、香山和寶山,還有輪圍山和大輪圍山,所有這些山都在這一個寶蓋中顯現。那些大海、湖泊、池塘、河流的流動,都能在這個大寶蓋中顯現出來。太陽月亮的宮殿、星星、神宮、龍宮、夜叉、乾達婆、阿修羅、迦樓羅、緊那羅和摩睺羅迦的居所,以及四大王宮、村莊、城、鎮、王國和都城,一切都出現在這一大寶蓋中。而且,十方世界佛世尊所說法,也在這個大寶蓋中出現而被聽到。

第61頁 / 共279頁