梵語 |
samāgatā te janatā mahāmune mukhaṃ udīkṣanti prasannamānasā | sarve ca paśyanti jinaṃ purastāj jinasya āveṇikabuddhalakṣaṇam [1-20-1] || 9 || ekāṃ ca vācaṃ bhagavān pramuñcase nānārutaṃ ca pariṣad vijānati | yathāsvakaṃ cārtha vijānate jano jinasya āveṇikabuddhalakṣaṇam [1-20-2] || 10 || |
支謙譯 |
(無)。 |
鳩摩羅什譯 |
大聖法王眾所歸,淨心觀佛靡不欣。各見世尊在其前,斯則神力不共法。佛以一音演說法,眾生隨類各得解。皆謂世尊同其語,斯則神力不共法。佛以一音演說法,眾生各各隨所解。普得受行獲其利,斯則神力不共法。 |
玄奘譯 |
眾會瞻仰大牟尼,靡不心生清淨信。各見世尊在其前,斯則如來不共相。佛以一音演說法,眾生隨類各得解。皆謂世尊同其語,斯則如來不共相。佛以一音演說法,眾生各各隨所解。普得受行獲其利,斯則如來不共相。 |
英譯 |
Great Ascetic, the assemblies united here in your presence contemplate you full of faith. Each one sees the Victorious One facing him; this is an exclusive attribute of the Victorious One. The blessed one expresses himself in a single sound and beings, each according to his category, grasp its meaning;this is an exclusive attribute of the Victorious One.The blessed oneexpresseshimselfina single sound and beings, each according to his category, grasp its meaning; this is an exclusive attribute of the Victorious One. |
現代漢譯 |
大賢人!群眾聚在一起,懷著清淨的心,瞻仰你的尊容。他們全部看見勝者在面前。這是勝者獨有的佛的特徵。世尊說一種話,聽眾理解成各式各樣的話,而且眾生各按自己的方式理解意思。這是勝者獨有的佛的特徵。 |