

第96頁 / 共279頁


梵語 vandāmi saṃyojanabandhanacchidaṃ vandāmi tvāṃ pāragataṃ sthale sthitam | vandāmi khinnasya janasya tārakaṃ vandāmi saṃsāragatāv aniśritam [1-22-1] || 13 || satvair samādhānagataṃ gatīgataṃ gatīṣu sarvāsu vimuktamānasam | jaleruhaṃ vā salile na lipyase niṣevitā te munipadma śūnyatā [1-22-2] || 14 ||
支謙譯 (無)。
鳩摩羅什譯 稽首能斷眾結縛,稽首已到於彼岸。稽首能度諸世間,稽首永離生死道。悉知眾生來去相,善於諸法得解脫。不著世間如蓮華,常善入於空寂行。
玄奘譯 稽首能斷眾結縛,稽首已住於彼岸。稽首普濟苦群生,稽首不依生死趣 。已到有情平等趣,善於諸趣心解脫。牟尼如是善修空,猶如蓮花不著水。
英譯 All homage to you, who have broken the fetters and links! All homage to you who "having reached the other shore and standing on firm ground". All homage to you, saviour of creatures who are lost! All homage too you who have escaped the course of rebirth! You associate yourself with beings by going into their course of existence, but you are delivered from all courses of existence "As the lotus, born in the water, is not defiled by water", so the Ascetic One, like the lotus, dwells in emptiness.
現代漢譯 我禮敬斷除煩惱結縛〔的你〕。我禮敬已去到彼岸,並安住於陸地上的你。我禮敬疲憊眾生的救渡者。我禮敬不依靠輪迴之道〔的你〕。內心等持,和一切眾生前往〔六〕道,心〔卻〕不執著任何一趣,猶如生長於水中〔的蓮花〕,你不被水附著。猶如蓮花的賢者! 你實踐空性。

第96頁 / 共279頁