

第132頁 / 共279頁


梵語 api ca ratnākara āśayakṣetraṃ bodhisatvasya buddhakṣetram, [1-27-1] tasya bodhiprāptasyāśaṭhā amāyāvinaḥ satvā buddhakṣetra upapadyante [1-27-2] | adhyāśayakṣetraṃ kulaputra bodhisatvasya buddhakṣetram, [1-27-3] tasya bodhiprāptasya sarvakuśalasaṃbhāropacitāḥ satvā buddhakṣetre saṃbhavanti [1-27-4] | prayogakṣetraṃ bodhisatvasya buddhakṣetram, [1-27-5] tasya bodhiprāptasya sarvakuśaladharmopasthitāḥ satvās tatra buddhakṣetra upapadyante [1-27-6] | udāro bodhisatvasya bodhicittotpādo buddhakṣetram, [1-27-7] tasya bodhiprāptasya mahāyānasaṃprasthitāḥ satvās tatra buddhakṣetre saṃbhavanti [1-27-8] |
支謙譯 童子!當知菩薩以無求於國故,於佛國得道。以不言我教照人民生于佛土。菩薩以善性於國,故於佛國得道。能成眾善,為人重任生于佛土。菩薩弘其道意,故於佛國得道。恒以大乘,正立人民,得有佛土。
鳩摩羅什譯 寶積!當知直心是菩薩淨土。菩薩成佛時,不諂眾生來生其國。深心是菩薩淨土。菩薩成佛時,具足功德眾生來生其國。菩提心是菩薩淨土,菩薩成佛時大乘眾生來生其國。
玄奘譯 復次,寶性!汝等當知,發起無上菩提心土是為菩薩嚴淨佛土。菩薩證得大菩提時,一切發起大乘有情來生其國。純意樂土是為菩薩嚴淨佛土。菩薩證得大菩提時,所有不諂不誑有情來生其國。善加行土,是為菩薩嚴淨佛土。發起住持妙善加行一切有情來生其國。上意樂土,是為菩薩嚴淨佛土。菩薩證得大菩提時,具足成就善法有情來生其國。
英譯 Also, O Ratnākara, the field of good intentions is the Buddhakṣetra of the Bodhisattva: the instant he obtains enlightnment, beings free from hypocrisy and deceit are born in his Buddhakṣetra. Son of good family, the field of high resolve is the Buddhakṣetra of the Bodhisattva: the instant he obtains enlightnment, beings who have accumulated all the stores of good roots are born in his Buddhakṣetra. Son of good family, the field of effort is the Buddhakṣetra of the Bodhisattva: the instant he obtains enlightnment, beings who are established in all good dharmas are born in his Buddhakṣetra. The production of great thought is the Buddhakṣetra of the Bodhisattva: the instant he obtains enlightnment, beings who have started towards the Great Vehicle are born in his Buddhakṣetra.
現代漢譯 再者,寶積!願望之土是菩薩的佛土。當菩薩獲得菩提時,誠實不欺的眾生生於佛土。良家子!堅定心志之土是菩薩的佛土。當菩薩獲得菩提時,積累了一切善的資糧的眾生生於佛土。努力實踐之土是菩薩的佛土。當菩薩獲得菩提時,已經安立在一切善法上的眾生出生於那個佛土。生起無上菩提心,就是菩薩的佛土。當菩薩獲得菩提時,趨向大乘的眾生生於此佛土。

第132頁 / 共279頁