梵語 |
dānakṣetraṃ bodhisatvasya buddhakṣetram, [1-28-1] tasya bodhiprāptasya sarvaparityāginaḥ satvās tatra buddhakṣetre saṃbhavanti [1-28-2] | śīlakṣetraṃ bodhisatvasya buddhakṣetram, [1-28-3] tasya bodhiprāptasya sarvābhiprāyasaṃpannā daśakuśalakarmapathasaṃrakṣakāḥ satvās tatra buddhakṣetre saṃbhavanti [1-28-4] | kṣāntikṣetraṃ kulaputra bodhisatvasya buddhakṣetram, [1-28-5] tasya bodhiprāptasya dvātriṃśallakṣaṇālaṃkṛtāḥ kṣāntidamaśamathapāramiprāptāḥ satvā buddhakṣetre saṃbhavanti [1-28-6] | vīryakṣetraṃ bodhisatvasya buddhakṣetram, [1-28-7] tasya bodhiprāptasya sarvakuśalaparyeṣṭiṣv ārabdhavīryāḥ satvā buddhakṣetre saṃbhavanti [1-28-8] | dhyānakṣetraṃ bodhisatvasya buddhakṣetram, [1-28-9] tasya bodhiprāptasya smṛtisaṃprajanyasamāhitāḥ satvā buddhakṣetre saṃbhavanti [1-28-10] | prajñākṣetraṃ bodhisatvasya buddhakṣetram, [1-28-11] tasya bodhiprāptasya samyaktvaniyatāḥ satvā buddhakṣetre saṃbhavanti [1-28-12] | |
支謙譯 |
菩薩布施為國故,於佛國得道,一切布施施諸人民生于佛土。菩薩持戒為國故,於佛國得道,周滿所願,以十善行合聚人民生于佛土。菩薩忍辱為國故,於佛國得道,有三十二相而自嚴飾,以其忍行調正人民生于佛土。菩薩精進為國故,於佛國得道,以諸德本善修勤力,合聚人民生于佛土。菩薩禪思為國故,於佛國得道,已知所念正安人民生于佛土。菩薩智慧為國故,於佛國得道,能以正導成就人民生于佛土。 |
鳩摩羅什譯 |
布施是菩薩淨土。菩薩成佛時,一切能捨眾生來生其國。持戒是菩薩淨土,菩薩成佛時行十善道滿願眾生來生其國。忍辱是菩薩淨土,菩薩成佛時三十二相莊嚴眾生來生其國。精進是菩薩淨土,菩薩成佛時,勤修一切功德眾生來生其國。禪定是菩薩淨土,菩薩成佛時攝心不亂眾生來生其國。智慧是菩薩淨土,菩薩成佛時,正定眾生來生其國。 |
玄奘譯 |
修布施土,是為菩薩嚴淨佛土。菩薩證得大菩提時,一切能捨財法有情來生其國。修淨戒土,是為菩薩嚴淨佛土。菩薩證得大菩提時,圓滿成就十善業道,意樂有情來生其國。 修安忍土,是為菩薩嚴淨佛土。菩薩證得大菩提時,三十二相莊嚴其身堪忍柔和寂靜有情來生其國。修精進土,是為菩薩嚴淨佛土。菩薩證得大菩提時,諸善勇猛精進有情來生其國。 修靜慮土,是為菩薩嚴淨佛土。菩薩證得大菩提時,具足成就正念正知正定有情來生其國。 修般若土,是為菩薩嚴淨佛土。菩薩證得大菩提時,一切已入正定有情來生其國。 |
英譯 |
The field of giving is the Buddhakṣetra of the Bodhisattva: the instant he obtains enlightnment, beings who have abandoned their worldly goods are born in his Buddhakṣetra. The field of patience is the Buddhakṣetra of the Bodhisattva: the instant he obtains enlightnment, beings who are adorned with the thirty-two primary marks and who are gifted with the lovely perfections of patience, discipline and calm are born in his Buddhakṣetra. The field of vigour is the Buddhakṣetra of the Bodhisattva: the instant he obtains enlightnment, beings who apply their vigour are born in his Buddhakṣetra. The field of meditation is the Buddhakṣetra of the Bodhisattva: the instant he obtains enlightenment, beings gifted with memory, presence of mind and concentration are born in his Buddhakṣetra. The field of wisdom is the Buddhakṣetra of the Bodhisattva: the instant he obtains enlightnment, beings certain to acquire the Absolute good are born in his Buddhakṣetra. |
現代漢譯 |
布施之土是菩薩的佛土。當菩薩獲得菩提時,能捨棄一切的眾生生於此佛土。持戒之土是菩薩的佛土。當菩薩獲得菩提時,已實現一切願望,並守護十善業道的眾生生於那個佛土。良家子!安忍之土是菩薩的佛土。當菩薩獲得菩提時,具有三十二相,安忍、自制、平靜已達圓滿的眾生生於此佛土。精進之土是菩薩的佛土。當菩薩獲得菩提時,努力追求一切福德的眾生生於此佛土。禪定之土是菩薩的佛土。當菩薩獲得菩提時,能記得、能清楚了知、能精神専一的眾生生於此佛土。智慧之土是菩薩的佛土。當菩薩獲得菩提時,必將確立正確智慧的眾生生於此佛土。 |