梵語 |
tatra bhagavān āyuṣmantaṃ śāriputram āmantrayate sma paśyasi tvaṃ śāriputra imān buddhakṣetraguṇavyūhānāha paśyāmi bhagavan adṛṣṭāśrutapūrvā ime vyūhāḥ saṃdṛśyante [1-35-1] |āha īdṛśaṃ mama śāriputra sadā buddhakṣetram | hīnasatvaparipākāya tu tathāgata evaṃ bahudoṣaduṣṭaṃ buddhakṣetram upadarśayati | tadyathā śāriputra devaputrāṇām ekapātryāṃ bhuñjānānāṃ yathā puṇyopacayaviśeṣeṇa sudhādevabhojanam upatiṣṭhataḥ, evam eva śāriputra ekabuddhakṣetropapannā yathā cittapariśuddhyā satvā buddhānāṃ buddhakṣetraguṇavyūhān paśyanti [1-35-2] | |
支謙譯 |
佛告舍利弗:“汝且觀此佛國嚴淨。”對曰:“唯然,本所不見,本所不聞。今佛國土好淨悉現。” “然舍利弗,我佛國如是,為當度不肖人故,如來隨此多怒害者現佛國異。譬如諸天,同金鉢食,其福多者舉手自淨。如是,舍利弗,若人意清淨者,便自見諸佛佛國清淨。” |
鳩摩羅什譯 |
佛告舍利弗:“汝且觀是佛土嚴淨。”舍利弗言:“唯然,世尊!本所不見,本所不聞。佛語舍利弗:“我佛國土,常淨若此,為欲度斯下劣人故,示是眾惡不淨土耳。譬如諸天,共寶器食,隨其福德,飯色有異。如是,舍利弗,若人心淨,便見此土功德莊嚴。” |
玄奘譯 |
爾時世尊告舍利子:“汝見如是眾德莊嚴淨佛土不?”舍利子言:“唯然,世尊!本所不見,本所不聞。今此佛土嚴淨悉現。”告舍利子:“我佛國土,常淨若此,為欲成熟下劣有情,是故示現無量過失雜穢土耳。舍利子!譬如三十三天,共寶器食,隨業所招,其食有異。如是,舍利子,無量有情生一佛土,隨心淨穢所見有異。若人心淨,便見此土無量功德妙寶莊嚴。” |
英譯 |
Then the Blessed One said to the venerable Śāriputra: Can you see, Śāriputra, the splendour of the virtues of my Buddha-field? Yes, I can see O Blessed One, that splendour that has never been seen or heard before. The Buddha continued: Śāriputra, my Buddhakṣetra is always as pure as this, but, to help inferior beings ripen, the Tathāgata makes it appear like a field vitiated with many flaws. For example, O Śāriputra, the sons of the gods take their food from one single precious receptacle, but the ambrosia which is the food of the gods varies according to the diverse merits accumulated by the gods. Equally Śāriputra, beings born in the same Buddhakṣetra see, in proportion to their purity, the splendour of the Buddhakṣetra of the Buddhas. |
現代漢譯 |
那時,世尊對尊者舍利弗說道:“舍利弗!你看到佛土的這些功德莊嚴了嗎?”舍利弗說:“之前沒有看過和聽過的這些莊飾,〔現在〕被看見。”佛說:“舍利弗!我的佛土經常是這樣。但是,為了使下劣眾生成熟,如來如此顯現被眾多罪惡染汙的佛土。舍利弗! 如同諸天子在同一盤子吃飯,按照福德累積的差別,〔有不同的〕天的飲料和食物現前。舍利弗! 同樣地,生於同一佛土的眾生們,按照〔其〕心清淨〔的差別〕而看見諸佛佛土的功德莊嚴。” |