梵語 |
āgatisatvāśayamatimanupraviṣṭajñānaviṣayibhiḥ asamasamabuddhajñānābhiṣekābhiṣiktaiḥ [1-8-1] daśabalavaiśāradyāveṇikabuddhadharmādhyāśayagataiḥ sarvāpāyadurgativināpātotkṣiptaparikhaiḥ saṃcintyabhavagatyupapattisaṃdarśayitṛbhiḥ [1-8-2] |
支謙譯 |
博入諸道順化眾生,說無比正佛之智慧。以十力、無畏、佛十八法,往度惡道諸墮塹者,其生五道。 |
鳩摩羅什譯 |
善知眾生往來所趣及心所行。近無等等佛自在慧。十力、無畏、十八不共,關閉一切諸惡趣門,而生五道以現其身。 |
玄奘譯 |
隨入一切有趣、無趣意樂所歸,獲無等等佛智灌頂。近力、無畏、不共佛法,已除所有怖畏惡趣,復超一切險穢深坑。永棄緣起金剛刀仗,常思示現諸有趣生。 |
英譯 |
penetrating the comings and goings of beings and their intentions; anointed with the initiation of the knowledge of the unequalled Buddhas; approaching through their high resolve, the ten powers, the convictions and the exclusive attributes of the Buddhas; crossing the fearful ditch of bad destinies; rejecting the diamond weapon of the dependent co-production and voluntarily assuming rebirth in the paths of existence; |
現代漢譯 |
〔他們〕具有深入來往眾生之願望和想法的智慧境界,已受到無與倫比的佛智灌頂。〔他們懷著〕對於十力、〔四〕無畏、〔十八〕不共佛法的深遠願望前進;〔他們築起了〕避開一切惡趣的護城河。〔他們〕反覆思量示現投生於諸趣。。 |