

第27頁 / 共279頁


梵語 mahāvaidyarājaiḥ sarvasatvavinayavidhijñaiḥ yathārhadharmabhaiṣajyaprayogaprayuktaiḥ [1-9-1] anantaguṇākarasamanvāgataiḥ anantabuddhakṣetraguṇavyūhasamalaṃkṛtaiḥ amoghaśravaṇa- darśanaiḥ amoghapadavikramair | aparimitakalpakoṭīniyutaśatasahasraguṇaparikīrttanāparyantau- ghaiḥ [1-9-2]
支謙譯 為大醫王,以慧以善救眾生病。應病與藥,令得服行。無量善事皆悉得,無量佛國皆嚴淨。無量佛慧皆修學,明智之講皆聽聞,明者之跡皆履行。慧之德本隨次興,深法之要皆已入,三昧無量能悉成,佛力無畏,一切具足。
鳩摩羅什譯 為大醫王,善療眾病。應病與藥,令得服行。無量功德皆成就,無量佛土皆嚴淨。其見聞者無不蒙益,諸有所作亦不唐捐,如是一切功德皆悉具足。
玄奘譯 為大醫王,善知方術。應病與藥,愈疾施安。無量功德皆成就,無量佛土皆嚴淨。其見聞者無不蒙益,諸有所作亦不唐捐。設經無量百千俱胝那庾多劫,讚其功德亦不能盡。
英譯 great healing kings skilled in the treatment of beings to be disciplined knowledgeable of all the diseases of the passions which affect beings, and correctly administering the medicine of the Law; having at their disposal an immense mine of virtues and adorning, with the unfolding of these virtues, innumerable Buddhafields; propitious to see and hear and unstoppable in their tasks. Even if one were to devote innumerable hundreds of thousands of koṭinayuta of kalpas in praising their virtues, one could not exhaust the flood of their virtues.
現代漢譯 〔他們〕是偉大的醫中之王,知曉教化眾生的方法,並能按需要正確使用法藥。〔他們〕具有無量功德,以功德裝飾無邊佛土。〔他們的〕見聞皆有成效,行動的每一步都不落空。〔他們〕擁有宣揚無量百千俱胝那庾多劫,也宣揚不盡的功德流。

第27頁 / 共279頁