

第189頁 / 共279頁


梵語 tena khalu punaḥ samayena [2-1-1] vaiśālyāṃ mahānagaryāṃ [2-1-2] vimalakīrtir nāma licchaviḥ prativasati sma [2-1-3] | pūrvajinakṛtādhikāraḥ, avaropitakuśalamūlaḥ bahubuddhaparyupāsitaḥ [2-1-4] prati- labdhakṣāntikaḥ labdhapratibhānaḥ mahābhijñāvikrīḍitaḥ [2-1-5] dhāraṇīpratilabdhaḥ vaiśāradyaprāptaḥ nihatamārapratyarthikaḥ [2-1-6] gambhīradharmanayasupraviṣṭaḥ prajñāpāramitānirjātaḥ upāyakau- śalyagatiṃgataḥ [2-1-7] pratibhānasamanvāgataḥ satvāśayacaritakuśalaḥ indriyaparāparajñānaniryātaḥ yathāpratyarhadharmadeśakaḥ [2-1-8] kṛtaniścayaḥ kṛtaśrama iha mahāyāne [2-1-9] suparīkṣitakarmakārī buddheryāpathapratiṣṭhitaḥ sāgaravarabuddhyanupraviṣṭaḥ [2-1-10] sarvabuddhastutastomitapraśaṃsitaḥ sarvaśakrabrahmalokapālanamaskṛtaḥ [2-1-11] sa satvaparipākāyopāyakauśalyena vaiśālyāṃ mahānaga- ryāṃ prativasati sma [2-1-12] |
支謙譯 是時維耶離大城中,有長者名曰維摩詰(漢言無垢稱)。在先佛已造行,修善本,得法忍;已得辯才,神通不戲,得無所畏,降魔勞怨;深入微妙,出於智度無極,善權方便,博入諸道,令得所願;人根名德,生而具足。造成大道,所作事勝,佛聖善行,皆已得立,覺意如海,而皆已入,諸佛諮嗟,弟子、釋、梵、世主所敬,欲度人故,居維耶離,矜行權道。
鳩摩羅什譯 爾時毘耶離大城中,有長者名維摩詰,已曾供養無量諸佛,深植善本,得無生忍;辯才無礙,遊戲神通,逮諸總持,獲無所畏;降魔勞怨,入深法門,善於智度,通達方便,大願成就,明了眾生心之所趣,又能分別諸根利鈍。久於佛道,心已純淑,決定大乘;諸有所作,能善思量,住佛威儀,心大如海,諸佛諮嗟,弟子、釋、梵、世主所敬,欲度人故,以善方便居毘耶離。
玄奘譯 爾時廣嚴城中,有大菩薩離呫毘種名無垢稱,已曾供養無量諸佛,於諸佛所,深殖善根,得妙辯才,具無生忍;逮諸總持,遊戲神通,獲無所畏;摧魔怨力,入深法門,善於智度,通達方便,大願成滿,明了有情意樂及行,善知有情諸根勝劣。智度成辦,說法淳熟,於大乘中,決定修習。於所作業,能善思量,住佛威儀,入心慧海,諸佛諮嗟,稱揚顯說,釋、梵、護世常所禮敬,為欲成熟諸有情故,以善方便居廣嚴城。
英譯 At that time, there lived in the great city of Vaiśālī a certain Licchavi, Vimalakīrti by name. Having served the ancient Buddhas, he had generated the roots of virtue by honoring them (and making offerings to them). (Having served the ancient Buddhas, he had generated the roots of virtue by honoring them and) making offerings to them. He had attained tolerance (as well as eloquence). (He had attained tolerance) as well as eloquence. He played with the great superknowledges. He had attained the power of incantations (and the fearlessnesses). (He had attained the power of incantations) and the fearlessnesses. He had conquered all demons and opponents. He had penetrated the profound way of the Dharma. He was liberated through the transcendence of wisdom. Having integrated his realization with skill in liberative technique Having integrated his realization with skill in liberative technique he was expert in knowing the thoughts and actions of living beings. Knowing the strength or weakness of their faculties (and being gifted with unrivaled eloquence,) he taught the Dharma appropriately to each. Having applied himself energetically to the Mahāyāna he understood it and accomplished his tasks with great finesse. He lived with the deportment of a Buddha and his superior intelligence was as wide as an ocean. He was praised, honored, and commended by all the Buddhas and was respected by Indra, Brahmā, and all the Lokapālas. In order to develop living beings with his skill in liberative technique, he lived in the great city of Vaiśālī.
現代漢譯 而就在此時,在毗舍離大城住了一個名叫維摩詰的離車族人。(他)曾供養過去佛。(他)善根深種,還禮敬侍奉過無數佛。(他)已能安忍(於實相),已得辯才(無礙),神通運用自如。(他)已得總持,無所畏懼,降伏了魔和外道。(他) 精通深奧佛理,以智慧得到超脫,而且很能善巧運用方法。(他)口才很好,知道眾生的意願和行為,還熟知(眾生)根器的優劣。(他)按照(眾生)個別特質來說法。他堅信大乘,並於其上投入努力。(他)做事都經過仔細考慮。他有佛的儀態,還證入大海一般深澈的覺悟。(他)被所有佛稱讚,被一切帝釋、梵天、護世者尊敬。爲了使眾生覺悟,他善巧運用方法地住在毗舍離大城中。

第189頁 / 共279頁