

第271頁 / 共279頁


梵語 dharmakāyo hi mārṣāḥ tathāgatakāyo dānanirjātaḥ śīlanirjātaḥ samādhinirjātaḥ prajñānirjāto vimuktinirjāto vimuktijñānadarśananirjātaḥ [2-11-1] | maitrīkaruṇāmuditopekṣānirjātaḥ | dānadama- saṃyamanirjātaḥ kṣāntisauratyanirjāto [2-11-2] dṛḍhavīryakuśalamūlanirjāto dhyānavimokṣasamāḍhi- samāpattinirjātaḥ śrutaprajñopāyanirjātaḥ [2-11-3] | saptatriṃśadbodhipakṣyanirjātaḥ śamathavidarśanā- nirjāto [2-11-4] daśabalanirjātaś caturvaiśāradyanirjātaḥ | aṣṭādaśāveṇikabuddhadharmanirjātaḥ [2-11-5] sarvapāra- mitānirjātaḥ | abhijñāvidyānirjātaḥ sarvākuśaladharmaprahāṇāya nirjātaḥ sarvakuśaladharmapari- grahanirjātaḥ [2-11-6] satyanirjāto bhūtanirjāto ’pramādanirjātaḥ [2-11-7] | apramāṇaśubhakarmanirjāto mārṣāḥ tathāgatakāyas tatra yuṣmābhiḥ spṛhā kartavyā [2-11-8] | sarvasatvānāṃ ca sarvakleśavyādhiprahāṇāyān- uttarāyāṃ samyakṣaṃbodhau cittāny utpādayitavyāni [2-11-9] |
支謙譯 佛法身者,從福祐生;佛身者,從智生;從戒品、定品、慧品、解品、度知見品生;從慈、悲、喜、護生;從布施、調意、自損生;從忍辱、仁愛、柔和生;從強行、精進、功德生;從禪、解、定意、正受生;從智度無極、聞德生;從善權方便、智謀生;從一切諸度無極生;從三十七道品生;從神通生;從止觀生;從十力生;從四無所畏生;從佛十八法生;從斷一切惡法生;從一切善法合會生;從諦生;從誠生;不可計清淨行為成如來身,如是仁者,當自勗勉,欲除一切病者,當發行大道。
鳩摩羅什譯 所以者何?佛身者即法身也。從無量功德智慧生;從戒、定、慧、解脫、解脫知見生;從慈、悲、喜、捨生;從布施、持戒、忍辱、柔和、勤行、精進、禪定、解脫、三昧、多聞、智慧、諸波羅蜜生;從方便生;從六通生;從三明生;從三十七道品生;從止觀生;從十力、四無所畏、十八不共法生;從斷一切不善法,集一切善法生;從真實生;從不放逸生;從如是無量清淨法生如來身。諸仁者,欲得佛身,斷一切眾生病者,當發阿耨多羅三藐三菩提心。
玄奘譯 所以者何?如來身者,無量善法共所集成。從修無量殊勝福德智慧所生;從修無量勝戒、定、慧、解脫、解脫知見所生;從修慈、悲、喜、捨所生;從修布施、調伏、寂靜、戒、忍、 精進、靜慮、解脫、等持、等至、般若、方便、願、力、智生;從修一切到彼岸生;修六通生; 修三明生;修三十七菩提分生;修止觀生;從修十力四無畏生;從修十八不共法生;從斷一切不善法,集一切善法生;從修諦實不放逸生;從修無量清淨業生。諸仁者,如來之身功德如是,汝等皆應發心求證。汝等欲得如是之身,息除一切有情病者,當發阿耨多羅三藐三菩提心。
英譯 "Friends, the body of a Tathāgata is the body of Dharma born of gnosis. The body of a Tathāgata is born of the stores of merit and wisdom It is born of morality, of meditation, of wisdom, of the liberations, and of the knowledge and vision of liberation. It is born of love, compassion, joy, and impartiality. It is born of charity, discipline, and self-control. It is born of the path of ten virtues It is born of patience and gentleness. It is born of the roots of virtue planted by solid efforts. It is born of the concentrations, the liberations, the meditations, and the absorptions. It is born of learning, wisdom, and liberative technique. It is born of the thirty-seven aids to enlightenment. It is born of mental quiescence and transcendental analysis. It is born of the ten powers, the four fearlessnesses, and the eighteen special qualities. It is born of all the transcendences. It is born from sciences and superknowledges. It is born of the abandonment of all evil qualities, and of the collection of all good qualities. It is born of truth. It is born of reality. It is born of conscious awareness. "Friends, the body of a Tathāgata is born of innumerable good works. Toward such a body you should turn your aspirations and, in order to eliminate the sicknesses of the passions of all living beings, you should conceive the spirit of unexcelled, perfect enlightenment."
現代漢譯 賢者們啊!因為如來身是法身,(此身)生自布施、持戒、禪定、智慧、解脫、解脫的智慧和見解;(此身)是四無量心所生的,是布施、調意、自制所生的,是安忍和寬仁所生的;是勤力和善根所生的;是(四)禪那、(八)解脫、(三)三昧和正定所生;是多聞、智慧和方便所生的;是三十七種菩提的成分所生的,是靜心的方法所生的;是十力、四無畏和十八不共法所生的;是一切波羅密所生的,是神通和(三)明所生;是為斷除一切不善法所生的,是聚集一切善法所生的;是從真諦、實在、不放逸所生的。仁者們啊,如來身是無量清淨業所生。你們應當於此努力追求。爲了去除所有眾生的一切煩惱病,應當於無上正等正覺發心。

第271頁 / 共279頁