

第205頁 / 共279頁


梵語 dharmavādī ca vṛddhamadhyadahrasahāyakaś ca lokānuvartanāya [2-4-1] | sarvavyavahārodyuktaś ca na ca lābhabhogābhilāṣi [2-4-2] | sarvacatvaraśṛṇgāṭakeṣu ca saṃdṛśyate sarvasatvavainayikatāyai [2-4-3] | rāja- kāryānupraviṣṭaś ca satvārakṣāyai [2-4-4] | sarvadharmaśravaṇasāṃkathyeṣu ca saṃdṛśyate hīnayāna- vicchandanāya mahāyāne samādāpanatayā [2-4-5] | sarvalipiśālāsu copasaṃkrāmati dārakaparipācanāya [2-4-6] | sarvagaṇikākulāni ca praviśati kāmadoṣasaṃdarśanāya [2-4-7] | sarvakallavālagṛhāṇi ca praviśati smṛti- saṃprajanyopasthāpanāya [2-4-8] |
支謙譯 所有耆舊,能喜世間;一切治生諧偶,雖獲俗利,不以喜悅;遊諸四衢,普持法律;入于王藏,諸講法眾,輒身往視,不樂小道;諸好學者,輒身往勸,誘開童蒙;入諸婬種,除其欲怒;入諸酒會,能立其志。
鳩摩羅什譯 執持正法,攝諸長幼;一切治生諧偶,雖獲俗利,不以喜悅;遊諸四衢,饒益眾生;入治政法,救護一切;入講論處,導以大乘;入諸學堂,誘開童蒙;入諸婬舍,示欲之過;入諸酒肆,能立其志。
玄奘譯 為隨世教,於尊卑等,所作事業,示無與乖;雖不希求世間財寶,然於俗利示有所習;為益含識,遊諸市衢;為護群生,理諸王務;入講論處,導以大乘;入諸學堂,誘開童蒙;入諸婬舍,示欲之過;為令建立正念、正知,遊諸伎樂。
英譯 In order to be in harmony with people, he associated with elders, with those of middle age, and with the young, yet always spoke in harmony with the Dharma. He engaged in all sorts of businesses, yet had no interest in profit or possessions. To train living beings, he would appear at crossroads and on street corners, and to protect them he participated in government. To turn people away from the Hīnayāna and to engage them in the Mahāyāna, he appeared among listeners and teachers of the Dharma. To develop children, he visited all the schools. To demonstrate the evils of desire, he even entered the brothels. To establish drunkards in correct mindfulness, he entered all the cabarets.
現代漢譯 (他雖然)宣講佛法,但為了順應世俗,也與老年人、中年人和少年人作朋友;(他雖)從事一切商業活動,但不貪求利益和享樂;爲了教化眾生,他出現在所有熱鬧的街道上;爲了守護眾生,他參與國家事務;爲了使(人們)摒棄小乘,勸導(他們相信)大乘,他出現在所有聽法和講法(的地方);為了使孩子覺悟,他去所有學校;爲了揭示欲望的害處,他進入所有妓女的住處;爲了(讓人們)建立正念正知,他進入所有酒鋪。

第205頁 / 共279頁