

第44頁 / 共49頁


梵語 sa upāyakauśalyena glānam ātmānam upadarśayati sma [2-7-1] | tasya glānasya [2-7-2] vaiśālyāṃ mahā- nagaryāṃ rājarājamahāmātrāmātyakumārapāriṣadyā brāhmaṇagṛhapatayaḥ [2-7-3] śreṣṭhinaigamajāna- padās tadanyāni ca bahūni prāṇisahasrāṇi glānaparipṛcchakāny [2-7-4] upasamkrāmanti sma [2-7-5] |
支謙譯 其以權道現身有疾。以其疾故,國王、大臣、長者、居士、群臣、太子並餘眾輩,從而問疾者無數千人。
鳩摩羅什譯 其以方便現身有疾。以其疾故,國王、大臣、長者、居士、婆羅門等,及諸王子,並餘官屬,無數千人皆往問疾。
玄奘譯 其以方便現身有疾。以其疾故,國王、大臣、長者、居士、婆羅門等,及諸王子,並餘官屬,無數千人皆往問疾。
英譯 At that time, out of this very skill in liberative technique, Vimalakīrti manifested himself as if sick. To inquire after his health, the king, the officials, the lords, the youths, the aristocrats, the householders, the businessmen, the townfolk, the countryfolk, and thousands of other living beings came forth from the great city of Vaiśālī and called on the invalid.
現代漢譯 透過方法上的善巧,他讓人看見自己生病。當他生病時,毗舍離大城中的國王和國王的宰相、臣子、兒子、隨從們,婆羅門、居士、長者、市民、地方人士,以及其他數千探問病情的民眾都前來探病。

第44頁 / 共49頁