梵語 |
atha ratnākaro bodhisatvo licchavikumāraḥ [1-13-1] sārddhaṃ panñcamātrair licchavikurumāraśataiḥ [1-13-2] saptaratnamayāni cchatrāṇni gṛhītvā [1-13-3] vaiśālyāṃ mahānagaryāṃ niṣkramya [1-13-4] yenāmrapālīvanaṃ yena ca bhagavāṃs tena-upasaṃkrāmad [1-13-5] upasaṃkrāmya bhagavataḥ pādau śirasā vanditvā [1-13-6] bhagavantaṃ saptakṛtvaḥ pradakṣiṇīkṛtya [1-13-7] yathā parigṛhītais taiś chatrair bhagavantam abhicchādayati sma [1-13-8] | abhicchādyaikānte sthito ’bhūt [1-13-9] | |
支謙譯 |
於是維耶離國有長者子名羅鄰那竭(漢言曰寶事),與五百長者子俱,皆有決於無上正真之道,持七寶蓋來詣佛所,稽首佛足,以其寶蓋共覆佛上。 |
鳩摩羅什譯 |
爾時毘耶離城有長者子名曰寶積,與五百長者子俱持七寶蓋來詣佛所,頭面禮足,各以其蓋共供養佛。 |
玄奘譯 |
時廣嚴城有一菩薩離呫毘種名曰寶性,與離呫毘五百童子各持一蓋七寶莊嚴,往菴羅林詣如來所,各以其蓋奉上世尊,奉已,頂禮世尊雙足,右繞七匝卻住一面。 |
英譯 |
Then the Licchavi Bodhisattva Ratnākara and five hundred young Licchavis, each holding a parasol formed of seven jewels, left the town of Vaiśālī and went to the Āmrapālī grove, approaching the Blessed One; having reached him, after having saluted the feet of the Blessed One with their heads and after having circled round him seven times, they each offered him their parasols and, having made this offering, stood to one side. |
現代漢譯 |
那時,有一個名叫寶積的菩薩,是離車族的童子。他和五百個離車族的童子一道,拿著七寶製成的傘蓋,離開毗舍離城,來到菴羅林。以頭禮敬了世尊的雙腳後,又圍著世尊右繞七圈。用(他們)所拿的傘蓋。遮在世尊頭上。之後,他站在一邊。 |