梵語 |
evam ukte [1-25-1] bhagavān ratnākarāya licchavikumārāya sādhukāram adāt: [1-25-2] sādhu sādhu kumāra [1-25-3] | sādhu khalu punas tvaṃ kumāra yas tvaṃ buddhakṣetrapariśuddhim ārabhya tathāgataṃ paripṛcchasi [1-25-4] | tena hi kumāra śrṇu sādhu ca suṣṭhu ca manasikurubhāṣiṣye ’haṃ te yathā bodhisatvānāṃ buddhakṣetrapariśuddhim ārabhya [1-25-7] | sādhu bhagavan iti [1-25-8] ratnākaro liccharikumāras tāni ca pañcamātrāṇi licchavikumāraśatāni bhagavataḥ pratyaśrauṣuḥ [1-25-9] | bhagavāṃs teṣām etad avocat [1-25-10] |
支謙譯 |
於是佛告寶事曰:“童子!諦聽,善思念之。吾當為汝解說如來菩薩佛國清淨。”於是寶事與諸大眾受教而聽。佛言: |
鳩摩羅什譯 |
佛言:“善哉!寶積!乃能為諸菩薩問於如來淨土之行。諦聽,諦聽,善思念之。當為汝說。”於是寶積及五百長者子受教而聽。佛言: |
玄奘譯 |
作是語已,佛言:“寶性!善哉!善哉!汝今乃能為諸菩薩請問如來淨佛土相,及問菩薩修淨佛土,汝今諦聽,善思念之。當為汝等分別解說。”於是寶性及諸菩薩鹹作是言:“善哉!世尊!唯願為說,我等今者,皆希聽受。”爾時世尊告眾菩薩: |
英譯 |
This having been said, the Blessed One expressed his approval to the young Licchavi Ratnākara: Excellent, excellent, young man, you are right to question the Tathāgata regarding the purity of the Buddha-fields. Now listen and engrave it on your mind: I shall begin by speaking to you of the purification of the Buddha-fields by the Bodhisattvas. |
現代漢譯 |
當這樣說了之後,世尊稱讚離車族童子寶積:“童子!好啊!好啊!童子!你確實是對的。你能問如來有關佛土的清淨。因此,童子!你就聽著,好好仔細思量。我將如下針對菩薩的佛土清淨為你解說。” 離車族童子寶積和那五百離車族的童子回應世尊:“好的,世尊!”世尊對他們說道: |