

第9頁 / 共279頁


梵語 dvātriṃśatā ca bodhisatvasahasrair abhijñānābhijñātaiḥ [1-3-1] sarvair mahābhijñāparikarmaniryātaiḥ buddhādhiṣṭhānādhiṣṭhitaiḥ [1-3-2] saddharmanagarapālaiḥ saddharmaparigrāhakairmahāsiṃha- nādanādibhiḥ daśadigvighuṣṭaśabdaiḥ [1-3-3] sarvasatvānadhyeṣitakalyāṇamitraiḥtriratnavaṃśā- nupacchetṛbbhiḥ [1-3-4]
支謙譯 菩薩三萬二千,皆神通菩薩。一切大聖,能隨俗化。佛所住者,皆已得住。為法城塹,護持正法。為師子吼,十方聞聲。眾人不請,祐而安之。興隆三寶,能使不絕。
鳩摩羅什譯 菩薩三萬二千,眾所知識。大智本行,皆悉成就。諸佛威神之所建立。為護法城,受持正法。能師子吼,名聞十方。眾人不請,友而安之。紹隆三寶,能使不絕。
玄奘譯 菩薩摩訶薩三萬二千,皆為一切眾望所識。大神通業,修已成辦。諸佛威德,常所加持。善護法城,能攝正法。為大師子吼聲敷演,美音遐振,周遍十方。為諸眾生不請善友,紹三寶種,能使不絕。
英譯 Also to be found there were thirty-two thousand Bodhisattvas bodhisattvas who are great beings; universally known; devoted to the exercise of the great super-knowledges; upheld by the supernatural action of the Buddhas; guardians of the town of the Law; roaring the lion’s roar in response to the cry echoing in the ten regions; having become, without being asked the good friends of all beings; refraining from interrupting the lineage of the triple jewel.
現代漢譯 有三萬二千菩薩,都是大家所知道的,全都精於神通修行,為佛的威神力所加持。〔他們〕是正法之城的保護者,完全掌握正法,能發出大獅子吼般的聲音,聲音響徹四方。〔他們〕是一切眾生不需勸請的好友,能使三寶的傳承綿延不斷。

第9頁 / 共279頁