

第154頁 / 共279頁


梵語 pariṇāmanācittaṃ bodhisatvasya buddhakṣetram, tasya bodhiprāptasya sarvaguṇālaṃkāraṃ buddhakṣetraṃ dṛśyate [1-30-1] | aṣṭākṣaṇapraśamadeśanā kulaputra bodhisatvasya buddhakṣetram, tasya bodhiprāptasya sarvāpāyasamucchinnam aṣṭākṣaṇavigataṃ buddhakṣetraṃ saṃbhavanti [1-30-2] | svayaṃ śikṣāpadeṣu vartamānā parāpattyacodanatā bodhisatvasya buddhakṣetram, tasya bodhiprāpta- syāpattiśabdo ’pi buddhakṣetre na saṃbhavati [1-30-3] | daśakuśalakarmapathapariśuddhiḥ kulaputra bodhisatvasya buddhakṣetram, tasya bodhiprāptasya niyatāyuṣo mahābhogā brahmacāriṇaḥ satyā- nuparivartinyā vācālaṃkṛtā madhuravacanā abhinnaparṣado bhinnasaṃdhānakuśalā īrṣyāvigatā avyāpannacittāḥ samyagdṛṣṭisamanvāgatāḥ satvā buddhakṣetre saṃbhavanti [1-30-4] |
支謙譯 菩薩分流法化故,於佛國得道。一切示現賢善之行得見佛土。菩薩說除八難故,於佛國得道。一切為斷惡道眾難而有佛土。菩薩自覺不譏彼受,故於佛國得道。斷諸邪受而有佛土菩薩淨修十善之行,故於佛國得道。而不離偶,大財,梵行,誠諦之語,免于惡道,言以柔軟,不別眷屬,恒與善俱,無有嫉慢,除忿怒意,以正見誨人,生于佛土。
鳩摩羅什譯 迴向心是菩薩淨土。菩薩成佛時,得一切具足功德國土。說除八難是菩薩淨土。菩薩成佛時,國土無有三惡八難。自守戒行,不譏彼闕是菩薩淨土。菩薩成佛時,國土無有犯禁之名。十善是菩薩淨土,菩薩成佛時,命不中夭,大富,梵行,所言誠諦,常以軟語,眷屬不離,善和諍訟,言必饒益,不嫉不恚,正見眾生來生其國。
玄奘譯 修迴向土是為菩薩嚴淨佛土。菩薩證得大菩提時,其國具足眾德莊嚴。善說息除八無暇土是為菩薩嚴淨佛土。菩薩證得大菩提時,其國永離惡趣無暇。自守戒行,不譏彼土是為菩薩嚴淨佛土。菩薩證得大菩提時,其國無有犯禁之名。十善業道極清淨土是為菩薩嚴淨佛土。 菩薩證得大菩提時,壽量決定,大富梵行,所言誠諦,常以軟語,眷屬不離,善宣密意,離諸貪欲,心無瞋恚,正見有情來生其國。
英譯 The transference of merit is the Buddhakṣetra of the Bodhisattva: the instant he obtains enlightnment, the adornments of all the virties appear in his Buddhakṣetra. The teaching intended to suppress the eight unfavourable conditions for birth is the Buddhakṣetra of the Bodhisattva: the instant he obtains enlightnment, all the wrong paths are eliminated; and there are not, in his Buddhakṣetra, any unfavourable conditions for birth. Observing the rules of training oneself and not blaming the faults of others is the Buddhakṣetra of the Bodhisattva: the instant he obtains enlightnment, the word for fault is not even suggested in his Buddhakṣetra. The purity of the ten paths is the Buddhakṣetra of the Bodhisattva: the instant he obtains enlightnment, there are born in his Buddhakṣetra beings who are gifted with long life, are very wealthy, continent, whose speech conforms with the truth, gentle, who do not break up the assembly, are skilled in reconciling adversaries, free from hypocisy, free from malicious thought and holding right views.
現代漢譯 回向心是菩薩的佛土。當他獲得菩提時,一切功德所裝飾的佛土可以被看到。良家子!宣說消除八無暇是菩薩的佛土。當他獲得菩提時,斷除一切惡趣,遠離八無暇的佛土出現。自己嚴守戒律,不批評別人的過失,〔這〕是菩薩的佛土。當菩薩獲得菩提時,連過失這一語詞都不存在於此佛土。良家子!完全淨化十善業之道是菩薩的佛土。當菩薩得到菩提時,具有確定不變的壽命,財富廣大,修梵行,受真實語所裝飾,言語柔和,具有不分裂的大眾,善於調和紛爭,遠離嫉妒,心無瞋害,具備正確見解的眾生生於此佛土。

第154頁 / 共279頁