

第172頁 / 共279頁


梵語 atha bhagavān punar eva tām ṛddhiṃ pratisaṃharati sma [1-37-1] | tataḥ punar evedaṃ buddhakṣetraṃ tatsvabhāvam eva saṃvṛtam [1-37-2] | tatra śrāvakayānikānāṃ devamanuṣyāṇām [1-37-3] anityā bateme sarvasaṃskārā iti viditvā [1-37-4] dvātriṃśatā prāṇisahasrāṇāṃ virajovigatamalaṃ dharmeṣu dharmacakṣur viśuddham [1-37-5] | aṣṭānāṃ ca bhikṣusahasrāṇām anupādāyāsravebhyaś cittāni vimuktāni [1-37-6] | caturaśīteś ca prāṇisahasrāṇām udārabuddhadharmādhimuktānāṃ [1-37-7] viṭhapanapratyupasthāna- lakṣaṇāḥ sarvadharmā iti viditvānuttarasyāṃ samyakṣaṃbodhau cittāny utpannāni [1-37-8] ||
支謙譯 佛現神足,於是國土莫不欣然,各得其所。弟子行者天與人三萬二千,遠塵離垢,諸法法眼生。其八千人漏盡意解。
鳩摩羅什譯 佛攝神足,於是世界還復如故。求聲聞乘三萬二千天及人,知有為法皆悉無常,遠塵離垢,得法眼淨。八千比丘不受諸法,漏盡意解。
玄奘譯 時佛世尊即攝神足,於是世界還復如故。求聲聞乘三萬二千諸天及人,知有為法皆悉無常,遠塵離垢,得法眼淨。八千苾芻永離諸漏,心善解脫。
英譯 The the Blessed One withdrew his psychic power, and the Buddha-field reappeared as it had been before. Then the gods and men who belonged to the Listeners’ vehicle thought: Alas! Conditioned things are transitory, and knowing this, thirty-two thousand living beings obtained the pure eye of the Laws regarding dharmas, with out dust or stain. The minds of eight thousand monks were, through detachment, delivered from their impurities. Finally, in eigthy-four thousand living beings who nobly aspired to the Buddha-fields and who had understood the mark of all dharmas to be created by mental illusion, their minds turned to supreme and perfect enlightenment.
現代漢譯 然後,世尊又收回了神通。於是,這個佛土又被覆蓋成那個原來的狀態。於是,在聲聞乘的天和人中,〔有〕三萬二千人,了知了:“ 啊!一切〔由因緣〕組合成的〔事物〕是不長久的”後,便於諸法具有遠塵離垢的清淨法眼;〔還有〕八千比丘心不執取後,從種種煩惱解脫。〔還有〕心傾向於最上佛法的八萬四千人,了知“一切法是妄想所變現出來的相”後,都於無上正等正覺發願〔成就〕。

第172頁 / 共279頁