

第17頁 / 共279頁


梵語 mahāpuṇyajñānasaṃbhāropacitaiḥ lakṣaṇānuvyañjanasamalaṃkṛtakāyaiḥ [1-6-1] paramarūpadhāri- bhiḥ apagatabhūṣaṇaiḥ meruśikharābhyudgatayaśaḥkīrttisamudgataiḥ [1-6-2] dṛḍhavajrādhyāśayā- bhedyabuddhadharmaprasādapratilabdhaiḥ [1-6-3] dharmaratnavikaraṇāmṛtajalasaṃpravarṣakaiḥsarva- satvarutaravitasvarāṅgaghoṣaviśuddhasvaraiḥ [1-6-4] |
支謙譯 已成福祐、慧之分部。已得相好,能自嚴飾,色像第一。捨世間財,志行高妙,名稱普至。有金剛志,得佛聖性。以法感人,為雨甘露,曉眾言音,所說如流,其聲清淨。
鳩摩羅什譯 功德智慧以修其心,相好嚴身,色像第一。捨諸世間所有飾好,名稱高遠,踰於須彌。 深信堅固,猶若金剛。法寶普照,而雨甘露。於眾言音,微妙第一。
玄奘譯 已積無盡福智資糧。相好嚴身,色像第一。捨諸世間所有飾好,名稱高遠,踰於帝釋。意樂堅固,猶若金剛。於諸佛法,得不壞信。流法寶光,澍甘露雨。於眾言音,微妙第一。
英譯 accumulating great stores of merit and knowledge; their bodies adorned with all the primary and secondary marks; beautiful but without adornments; raised on high in glory and renown like the highest peak of śumeru; filled with high resolve, as firm as a diamond; having in the Buddha, the Law and the community the faith of understanding; emitting the ray of the jewel of the Law and causing to rain down a shower of ambrosia; gifted with excellent and pure clarity of speech;
現代漢譯 〔他們〕積聚了無數功德和智慧,以種種相、好裝飾其身。〔他們〕持有最妙色相,其名望超出了須彌山。他們對佛法虔誠信仰,意志堅定,如同金剛石一般。〔他們〕能降下法寶變化的露水,在眾生的各種聲音中,他們的聲音最為純淨。

第17頁 / 共279頁