

第22頁 / 共279頁


梵語 gaṃbhīradharmapratītyāvatārāntānantadṛṣṭivāsanānusandhisamucchinnaiḥvigatabhayasiṃho- pamanādibhiḥ [1-7-1] tulyātulyasamatikrāntaiḥdharmaratnaprajñāsamudānītamahāsārthavāhaiḥ [1-7-2] ṛju- sūkṣmamṛdudurdṛśaduranubodhasarvadharmakuśalaiḥ [1-7-3] |
支謙譯 入微妙法,見生死本,眾厄已斷。度諸恐畏,為師子吼,不以多言。其講說法,乃如雷震,無有量,已過量。以道寶之智導為大師。以知足之行現遠佛聲及法功德。
鳩摩羅什譯 深入緣起,斷諸邪見,有、無二邊,無復餘習。演法無畏,猶師子吼。其所講說,乃如雷震。無有量,已過量,集眾法寶如海導師。了達諸法深妙之義。
玄奘譯 於深法義廣大緣起,已斷二邊,見習相續。演法無畏,猶師子吼。其所講說,乃如雷震。不可稱量,過稱量境。 集法寶慧,為大導師 。正直審諦,柔和微密,妙達諸法難見難知甚深實義。
英譯 penetrating the dependent co-production in its deep meaning; having interrupted the course of the pervasion left by false views concerning the finite and the infinite; fearlessly giving the lion’s roar: causing the thunder of the great Law to reverberate; absolutely unequalled and immeasurable; great leaders of caravans obtaining the jewels of the Law, that is, stores of merit and knowledge;versed in the principle of the Law which is correct, calm, subtle, sweet, difficult to see and difficult to know;
現代漢譯 〔他們〕瞭解緣起這一深奧的佛法,完全斷除了有、無二邊見所引起的習氣的相續,猶如沒有畏懼的獅子般發出吼聲。〔他們〕已超越了等量和不等量,是集聚像法寶一樣的智慧的大導師,精通正確、精妙、柔和、難見、難知的一切法。

第22頁 / 共279頁