

第197頁 / 共279頁


梵語 avadātavastradhārī śramaṇaīryāpathasaṃpannaḥ [2-3-1] | gṛhavāsasthitaḥ kāmadhāturūpadhātvā- rūpyadhātvasaṃsṛṣṭaḥ [2-3-2] | bhāryāputradārāṃś ca saṃdarśayati, sadā ca brahmacārī [2-3-3] | parivāra- parivṛtaś ca bhavati, sadā ca vivekacārī [2-3-4] | ābharaṇavibhūṣitaś ca saṃdṛśyate, sadā ca lakṣaṇa- paricchinnaḥ [2-3-5] | annapānabhojanajīvaḥ saṃdṛśyate, sadā ca dhyānāhāraḥ [2-3-6] | sarvadyūtakaraśālāsu ca saṃdṛśyate, dyūtakrīḍāsaktacittāṃś ca satvān paripācayati, sadā cāpramādacārī [2-3-7] | sarvapāṣaṇḍa- pratyeṣakaś ca, buddhe cābhedyāśayaḥ | sarvalaukikalokottaraśāstravidhijñaś ca, sadā ca dharm- ārāmaratirataḥ [2-3-9] | sarvasaṃgaṇikāsu ca saṃdṛśyate, sarvatra cāgrapūjitaḥ [2-3-10] |
支謙譯 雖為白衣,奉持沙門至賢之行;居家為行,不止無色;有妻子婦,自隨所樂,常修梵行;雖有家屬,常如閑居;現視嚴身,被服飲食,內常如禪;若在博弈戲樂,輒以度人;受諸異道,導以佛教;不離聖典,因諸世間,俗教善語,以法樂而樂之。一切見敬,為供養中最。
鳩摩羅什譯 雖為白衣,奉持沙門清淨律行;雖處居家,不著三界;示有妻子,常修梵行;現有眷屬,常樂遠離;雖服寶飾,而以相好嚴身;雖復飲食,而以禪悅為味;若至博弈戲處,輒以度人 ;受諸異道,不毀正信;雖明世典,常樂佛法;一切見敬為供養中最。
玄奘譯 雖為白衣,而具沙門威儀功德;雖處居家,不著三界;示有妻子,常修梵行;現有眷屬,常樂遠離;雖服寶飾,而以相好莊嚴其身;雖現受食,而以靜慮等至為味;雖同樂著博弈嬉戲,而實恒為成熟有情;雖稟一切外道軌儀,而於佛法意樂不壞;雖明一切世間書論,而於內苑賞玩法樂;雖現一切邑會眾中,而恒為最說法上首。
英譯 He wore the white clothes of the layman, yet lived impeccably like a religious devotee. He lived at home, but remained aloof from the realm of desire, the realm of pure matter, and the immaterial realm. He had a son, a wife, and female attendants, yet always maintained continence. He appeared to be surrounded by servants, yet lived in solitude. He appeared to be adorned with ornaments, yet always was endowed with the auspicious signs and marks. He seemed to eat and drink, yet always took nourishment from the taste of meditation. He made his appearance at the fields of sports and in the casinos, but his aim was always to mature those people who were attached to games and gambling. He visited the fashionable heterodox teachers, yet always kept unswerving loyalty to the Buddha. He understood the mundane and transcendental sciences and esoteric practices, yet always took pleasure in the delights of the Dharma. He mixed in all crowds, yet was respected as foremost of all.
現代漢譯 他(雖然做居士打扮)穿著白色衣服,但有出家人的行止儀態;他雖然(住在家裡),但不涉入三界;他雖然有妻子、兒子和妾侍,但常修清淨行;他雖然被隨從圍繞,但卻經常離群獨處;他雖示現佩戴裝飾品,但卻超然於相;(他雖然日常)生活也吃飯、喝水,但卻常以禪定為食;他雖然(出入)所有賭博場所,但總不沉溺而是要使心思沉溺於賭博和娛樂上的人開悟;他接受所有異端學說,但對佛信心堅定;(他雖然)瞭解所有世間和出世間的經典,但常以佛法之樂為樂;他出現在一切人群團體中,始終最受尊敬。

第197頁 / 共279頁