

第219頁 / 共279頁


梵語 śreṣṭhiṣu ca śreṣṭhisaṃmataḥ śreṣṭhadharmārocanatāyai [2-5-1] | gṛhapatiṣu ca gṛhapatisaṃmataḥ sarvagrāhodgrahaparicchedāya [2-5-2] | kṣatriyeṣu ca kṣatriyasaṃmataḥ kṣāntisauratyabalaprati- ṣṭhāpanāya [2-5-3] | brāhmaṇeṣu ca brāhmaṇasaṃmato mānamadadarpanirghātanāya [2-5-4] | āmātyeṣu cāmātya- saṃmataḥ sarvarājakāryasahadharmaniyojanāya [2-5-5] | kumāreṣu ca kumārasaṃmato rājabhogaiś- varyābhilāṣavinivartanāya [2-5-6] | antaḥpureṣu ca kāñcukīyasaṃmataḥ strīkumārikāparipācanāya [2-5-7] |
支謙譯 入長者種,正長者意,能使樂法;入居士種,正居士意,能除其貪;入君子種,正君子意,能使忍和;入梵志種,正梵志意,使行高遠;入人臣中,正群臣意,為作端首,使入正道;入帝王子,能正其意,以孝寬仁,率化薄俗;入貴人中,能為雅樂,化正宮女。
鳩摩羅什譯 若在長者,長者中尊,為說勝法;若在居士,居士中尊,斷其貪著;若在剎利,剎利中尊,教以忍辱;若在婆羅門,婆羅門中尊,除其我慢;若在大臣,大臣中尊,教以正法;若在王子,王子中尊,示以忠孝;若在內官,內官中尊,化政宮女。
玄奘譯 若在長者,長者中尊,為說勝法;若在居士,居士中尊,斷其貪著;若在剎帝利,剎帝利中尊,教以忍辱;若在婆羅門,婆羅門中尊,除其我慢;若在大臣,大臣中尊,教以正法;若在王子,王子中尊,示以忠孝;若在內官,內官中尊,化正宮女。
英譯 He was honored as the businessman among businessmen because he demonstrated the priority of the Dharma. He was honored as the landlord among landlords because he renounced the aggressiveness of ownership. He was honored as the warrior among warriors because he cultivated endurance, determination, and fortitude. He was honored as the aristocrat among aristocrats because he suppressed pride, vanity, and arrogance. He was honored as the official among officials because he regulated the functions of government according to the Dharma. He was honored as the prince of princes because he reversed their attachment to royal pleasures and sovereign power. He was honored as a eunuch in the royal harem because he taught the young ladies according to the Dharma.
現代漢譯 (他示現)在長者中為長者們所尊敬,以便(為他們)宣說最精妙的佛法;在居士中被居士們尊敬,以便斷除(他們的)一切執取;在武士中被武士們尊敬,目的在於確立(他們的)安忍和溫和力;在婆羅門中,被婆羅門尊敬,以便去掉(他們的)傲慢、自負和驕傲;在大臣中,被大臣尊敬,以便依法處理國事;在王子中,受王子尊敬,目的在於扭轉(他們)對王者的享受和權力的貪求;在後宮中,為侍從所尊敬,目的在於使婦女和女孩覺悟。

第219頁 / 共279頁