

第101頁 / 共279頁


梵語 atha ratnākaro licchavikumārobhagavantam ābhir gāthābhir abhiṣṭutya [1-24-1] bhagavantam etad avocat [1-24-2] imāni bhagavan pañcamātrāṇi licchavikumāraśatāni sarvāṇy [1-24-3] anuttarāyāṃ samyaksaṃbodhau saṃprasthitāni [1-24-4] | tāni cemāni buddhakṣetrapariśuddhiṃ paripṛcchanti [1-24-5] katamā bodhisatvānāṃ buddhakṣetrapariśuddhir iti [1-24-6] | tat sādhu bhagavan deśayatu tathāgato ’mīṣāṃ bodhisatvānāṃ buddhakṣetrapariśuddhim [1-24-7] |
支謙譯 童子寶事說此偈讚佛已,以恭肅敬意長跪叉手白佛言:“此五百童子皆有決於無上正真之道,願聞得佛國土清淨,佛惟解說如來佛國清淨之行。”
鳩摩羅什譯 爾時長者子寶積說此偈已,白佛言:“世尊!是五百長者子皆已發阿耨多羅三藐三菩提心,願聞得佛國土清淨,唯願世尊說諸菩薩淨土之行。”
玄奘譯 爾時寶性說此伽他讚世尊已,復白佛言:“如是五百童子菩薩皆已發趣阿耨多羅三藐三菩提,彼鹹問我嚴淨佛土,唯願如來哀湣為說淨佛土相,雲何菩薩修淨佛土。”
英譯 Then the young Licchavi Ratnākara, having praised the Bless One with these stanzas, also said to him: Blessed One, the five hundred young Licchavis who are on the path to supreme and perfect enlightenment question me regarding the purification of the Buddha-fields and ask me what this the purification of the Buddha-fields is. May the Blessed Tathāgata the explain to these Bodhisattvas the purification of the Buddha-fields.
現代漢譯 於是,離車族童子寶積以這些偈頌讚歎佛之後,便對世尊說道:“世尊!這五百離車族的童子都已朝向最高的、圓滿正確的覺悟。他們這些人請問〔有關〕佛土清淨:‘什麽是菩薩的佛土清淨?’世尊!但願如來解說菩薩的佛土清淨。”

第101頁 / 共279頁